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Parkinson's Law states

'Our demand upon a resource tends to expand to match the supply of that resource.'

Parkinson's Law dictates our use of toothpaste and paper towels as well as time and money.

Developed by Cyril Northcote Parkinson in the 1950s, this law states that the amount of work needed will adjust (normally by increasing) to the time available to complete the work.

If you are given 3 days for a takes 3 days.

If you are given 3 weeks for the same takes 3 weeks.

The same applies to your available CASH.

Our expenses expand to meet our available CASH...

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What does that have to do with toothpaste?

Let me tell you...

When we have a brand new tube of toothpaste Parkinson's Law kicks in and we use A LOT. A whole big dollop on the brush.

If it falls in the biggie. We'll just grab more. But as the toothpaste starts to run out and look like this... become very resourceful.

You start squeezing, rolling, maybe even cut the bottom off

(if you're like my teenager).

If it falls in the might just grab it this time.

You've now leveraged Parkinson's Law...

You can flip the theory and use it to your advantage. When a resource is "squeezed" you will innovate and make that resource work.

When that resource is cash you stretch each dollar and give that dollar a job.

And when apply this principle to your business finances...

  • You'll be able to open your banking app and know exactly how much you have to spend on team, equipment and overhead.

  • There's enough cash to take home your desired pay each and every month.

  • You'll know exactly how many members you need to reach your salary goals.

  • You gain clarity around your cash flow.

  • ​You become permanently profitable so you can make a greater impact on your community, members and family.

Although it may seem like all of that would take years to achieve, it doesn’t. It all starts with the decision to start now, and a plan to make it happen.

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Are You Struggling to Stay Caught up?

Most fitness business owners, despite their best intentions each year, can't seem to stay on top of their money management system or get a solid handle on their cash flow…

They feel like one day the checking account is busting at the seams. Then poof! Where did all the cash go?

The reality is that accounting isn't made for human behavior, and most of us didn't get into fitness to spend all day updating our financial records, but without current information, we can't keep the money in the bank from disappearing. 

You might feel overwhelmed by the challenges of paying bills on time, bringing in enough clients to cover costs, and running your fitness business…

And you might look at other fitness business owners who always seem to have brand new equipment, charge similar prices to you, roll up in their new ride, and seem to have figured out the “secret” to success and think…

“How do they afford all that team?”

"Why do they always have brand new equipment and not me?"

"I'm just as experienced with way more certifications, why does it always feel like I'm behind on bills with no money for me at the end of the month?"

And That’s Where

GymFit Financial Academy Comes In... 

In just 10 lessons

GymFit Financial Academy will show you the necessary steps to

-simple cash flow management

-permanent profitability

-consistent owner's pay.

Everything is mapped out for you so all you have to do is follow the steps....

GymFit Financial Academy

is not your typical program...

  • You’ll learn the "small plates" model of fit finances that gives each dollar a job, including the job of paying you.

  • You’ll develop practical skills, based on human nature the habits you already have, to quickly identify cash flow issues and tame any "cash eating monsters" that rear their ugly head in your business.

  • Our expert-led program is tailored specifically for fitness business owners and is designed to provide the necessary support and motivation to help you stick to your goals and achieve results!

Why should you listen

to me?

Over my 20+ years of business ownership, I've experienced the roller coaster called entrepreneurship. Even my finance degree couldn't prepare me for learning via the school of hard knocks in those early days.

Now, as a financial coach I show fitness business owners how to increase their profits, take home pay and cash flow using simple systems...even if they have no experience in accounting.

I know the biggest challenge you’re facing isn’t just knowing your numbers…

It’s also the feeling like you don't know what tomorrow's finances will look like, and how you'll make payroll for your amazing staff or bring home what you need for your family.

But I also know my approach WORKS because I use it in my own business, and I teach this exact process to my permanently profitable CFO clients.

I've also included access to our GymFit Accountability Squad. A community of like-minded fitness business owners walking the same journey beside you. Also, inside the Squad my team and I are available to answer your questions as you work through these modules to be sure you complete the course with a mastery of cash flow that provides your business permanent profitability.

That’s a total value of more than $997

You can start the


for just

$249 $197

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Have questions about the

GymFit Financial Academy?

Grab a time on my calendar and let's chat!

GymFit Financial Academy

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